Measurements will be required to assist you in placing an order. Bring your measurements with you and we will calculate how much carpet is required.
Alternatively, we also offer a measuring and estimating service if preferred. Please click here for more information on our measuring service.
DIY Measuring
You will need to make a sketch of the area you want to carpet and take every single measurement that you can. Remember to write your measurements exactly and to measure into doorways. You will need to let us know what type of floor you have as should you require gripper it may need to be stuck down on some types of concrete floor. The sketches shown below are only examples. It is unlikely that your rooms will be the same shape.
Measuring a flat area
For measurement A, measure from wall to wall not forgetting to measure into any door frames on either side of the room. This will give you the width of the room. For measurement B, do the same as for the first measurement. Measurements C, D & E will be needed if your room dimensions exceed the standard widths of carpets produced and a join is then required. Most carpets come in widths of 3.66 metres or 4.00 metres although 5.00 metre carpets are becoming more common and can also be specially ordered.

Measuring your hall
This is a bit more complicated, but if you sketch the shape and take every single measurement, all should go well. Measure the Hall and the Landing the same as you would a flat area, remembering to go into doorways and to mark clearly where the staircase goes. On the Landing, it is important to include the first riser in your measurements, as shown in the diagram

Measuring your stairs and landing
For the stairs you will need to check the dimensions of one or two stairs to ensure they are the same and then count the number of stairs you have. In our diagram we have 10 stairs, the very top riser being included in the Landing measurements. Each of our 10 stairs have a ‘tread’ and a ‘riser’ and we measure the width of the stair, and then the length of one tread and riser together. Sometimes at the base of your stairs you will have a stair that has a curved edge. This is called a ‘Bullnose’ and you will need to measure the tread and riser separately. Your staircase may also turn and have triangular shaped stairs known as ‘Winders’. These will need to be measured separately, noting their widest dimensions.

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